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Reception Blog

Welcome to Year R which is taught by Miss O'Mahony with Miss Parker

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  • 10/09/23

    Reception 2023

    Welcome to our Reception Page.  To find out more information about our curriculum and what exciting topics we will be focusing on this year, please visit the curriculum tab and look for the EYFS curriculum mapping document.  We will be uploading pictures to Tapestry and any informati...
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  • 09/01/23

    Amazing Animals

    Our new topic this term is Amazing Animals. We have started off by looking at Nocturnal animals and each week in Reception, we will be looking at different types of animals. For more photos, please see Tapestry. 
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  • 23/09/22

    Welcome to Reception Class

    Welcome to a brand-new school year and Reception Class. We have had a fantastic start to the year and our first topic 'Superhero Me'. Our first mufti-day meant that lots of children fully embraced our theme of superheroes, all whilst raising money for such an important charity. We have been...
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  • 25/03/22

    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

    This week in Reception we have been looking at the 3r's, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. We have thought about what they mean and what we can do to help protect the environment we have been learning so much about. This is a topic we care a lot about in our school and in Reception, we have a recycli...
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  • 25/02/22

    Bug Hunt!

    This week, to start off our new topic, 'Come Outside', we have been focusing on mini beasts. Reception went into the forest area to look for different mini beasts and worked in groups to complete a checklist of what they found. For more photos, please see our Tapestry page. 
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  • 11/02/22

    Extinct Animals

    Our final focus in our Amazing Animals term has been on Extinct Animals. The children have loved looking at dinosaurs and other animals that they haven't seen before and we have also learnt about the famous fossil hunter, Mary Anning. For further pictures, please see our Tapestry site. 
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  • 21/01/22

    Amazing Animals

    Our new topic this term is Amazing Animals and what a busy start to the term we have had. We have already learnt about nocturnal animals, animals that hibernate and this week we have been looking at Polar Animals. Reception Class have loved exploring different animals and their habitats and next wee...
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  • 23/12/21

    Reception Nativity

    The lead up to Christmas has been a very exciting time in Reception. We have been busy learning our Christmas nativity songs and words, enjoying Christmas Jumper Day and our Christmas Party, where we even had a visit from Santa! Everyone has worked so hard and the children finished off a fantastic t...
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  • 20/11/21

    The Jolly Postman

    In Reception this week, we have been focusing on Road Safety and linking our learning to The Jolly Postman. We have loved using our Post Office role play to write and send letters and have enjoyed our small world cars, learning about the different road safety signs. For further photos of our learnin...
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  • 21/10/21

    Emergency Superheroes!

    We have had a very exciting week in Reception. We have been learning all about people who help us and focusing on who can help us in an emergency. We have loved using our Doctor Surgery role play, Lifeboat water play and using the hoses outdoors to put out fires (not real fires). We then had the cha...
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  • 09/10/21

    Super Healthy Me!

    This week in Reception, we have been thinking about how to keep our bodies fit and healthy. On Friday, we all made our own fruit salad and thoroughly enjoyed eating our creations for our healthy snack. Please see Tapestry for more photos. 
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  • 24/09/21

    Forest School Fairies

    This week in Reception, we have been Fairy Detectives and have been creating our own fairy crowns and belts. More photos will be available on Tapestry.
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