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Pennies 4 India

Updates on our nominated school charity, "Children United", also known as Pennies for India.

Find out more on the charity's website: logo

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  • 24/02/18

    Julie updates us on our project.

    Julie Foster visited on Friday 23rd February, with pictures and videos from our project, Savugampatti Boarding School. 
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  • 24/10/17

    Julie visits Batlagandu Boarding - Our project!

    Yesterday, Julie visited our special project in India and met the children we are helping. They loved the artwork we sent with Julie and are working on a poster that she can bring back to us. You can read all about her visit and see lots of photos by clicking on the link below.
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  • 17/10/17

    Totals for academic year 2016-17 and for term 1...

    Julie has emailed to say that the grand total for last academic year was...£218.22! What a fantastic achievement.  Thank you to everyone who contributed their 1ps and 2ps to our school charity.
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  • 12/09/17

    New Blog Post

    Pennies for India September 2017 Launch Day
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