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Values Awards

Year 6 have voted for their 2 Values Award winners

We had 2 values to consider this week when voting for our Values Award winners.

The children started by voting for children in class who have shown our value of responsibility. We had votes for Larissa, Harry, Cam, Lily, Sophie G, Aisha, Max DT, Ethan, Joe, Archie, Chayce, Michelle, Georgia, Emma and Sophie B. The children gave a multitude of reasons including: doing jobs in class; looking after their equipment; and being responsible for their behaviour.

We then thought about the value of tolerance. Votes were made for Max DT, Aisha, Chayce, Ethan, Joe, Max P, Michelle, Daisy, Sam, Sophie B, Sophie G, Lily, Larissa, Layla, George, Harry, Lyla, Olivia and Emma. Some of the reasons the children were selected were for: letting anyone play their games at breaks; helping each other with work; considering each others feelings; and being kind.

We won't announce the winners as we wanted the results to be a surprise for our adults.