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End of SATs

Whatever your opinion on the End of Key Stage Assessments, it is a rite-of-passage for our Year 6 pupils. 

With help from Mrs James' SATs Breakfast we have all had a calm and relaxed start to our days this week. For this we must thank Mrs James for putting on a spread worthy of any 5* hotel. Follow this link to some photos of breakfast time.

As their class teacher I have been overwhelmed with pride in the way the children have attacked their tests. They really have tried their hardest and jockeyed to do their very best. 

We have enjoyed a well-deserved break from the curriculum this afternoon and will do tomorrow as well before getting back to some Writing and Design Technology next week.  

We also need to thank Mrs Loveday for baking a delicious chocolate brownie which we enjoyed today. We really do have some generous and caring adults looking after us in Year 6.

Well done to everyone for this week - including all of the adults who helped us! 

SATs are done!