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Weekly Update

Hope you have all enjoyed the first week of your Easter break!

It has been lovely as always to hear from you and see what you have been doing.

Tommy has been busy using his numbers, fractions and measuring knowledge making a banana bread and most importantly tasting it. Yum Yum!!

Jacob sent a super picture of his sunflower which is starting to grow.

Ava has been very busy this week doing lots of reading and playing maths games and has already planned her learning for the coming weeks. She has spent her Easter weekend baking and making bonnets.

Elize has been doing lots of the activities set, especially on Mathletics. She has been putting smiles on the faces of others by decorating her house and supporting the NHS!

Ben has been doing some great Science, learning about electric circuits! He has been using Lego to build a spaceship with an emergency escape pod and a drone delivery box. Wow!!

Another fantastic week for Mathletics, total activity points reached 22, 550!!!

Bronze awards go to, Paige, Tommy, Elize, Harrison, Chloe and Zilu. Well done!

I have been inspired by all the great work you have been doing.  

I thought I should work on something I need to improve on.

I baked my first ever big cake!!!!!

I have realised that I need a lot more practise and it would be safe to say that Mr Allen can’t wait for us to all get back to normal!!!!!!!


Take care

Mrs Allen