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End of Easter Update 17/04

I have received lots of photos of what you have been up to over Easter! It's wonderful to see how many fab things you are all up to. I am sharing the photos I have received from each child to share with you all!

Please keep sending in anything that you have been doing to: and I will upload to our class blog.

Beatrix has been creating her own 'Baking with Bea' videos and has shared a fantastic video showing us all how to bake delicious cookies!

Clayton has been exploring in his garden and even found a beautiful ladybird. Clayton has also done some imaginative writing and maths!

Ollie has built the entire Millennium Falcon out of Lego all by himself! Ollie has also been practising his spellings and completed a drawing of an alien that steals biscuits and chocolate from his house!

Elsie has been busy creating her very own library, painting tins to create a tin can ally and decorating plant pots - her garden does look beautiful now!

Check out the photos!