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Monday Update

Hope you are all well and had a good Easter holidays, although I’m sure the days are all rolling into one now!
Thank you for the lovely emails keeping in touch and telling/showing me what you have been up to. 
Evie O has been extremely busy, impressing her mum with her enthusiasm for reading and maths, practicing her timetables daily, playing snap and adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers. She has been experimenting making potions and creating a fantastic 3D Solar System. Evie has been making the most of the good weather water painting and drawing hopscotch with chalk. She has been thinking of others, making people smile by decorating her house and colouring pictures for her window and also sending them to the Northampton General Hospital for the patients on the wards, how lovely! Evie has been sharing her reading in the garden, by reading with friends over the fence and some of the elderly neighbours between sit out to hear them read, what a treat!! Evie also got caught in the middle of the night reading with a torch, super!
Ava has been very determined working hard on some tricky spellings, whilst continuing to read everyday. She has been playing lots of maths games as well as doing her Mathletics!
Molly has finished the end of the class story and has pinned it up safe in her room, ready to share it with us all, can’t wait for that! Making chocolate crispy cakes and challenging herself with describing words, when taking part in a scavenger hunt, sounds tricky! Molly is also celebrating having a new baby cousin and has been having video calls to meet her cousin, how lovely!
Tommy has had a great achievement getting onto the Mathletics leaderboard, putting Boughton Primary on the map, well done! He has been playing number games in the garden with his sister and celebrating when he wins. Tommy has been writing a diary once a week, summarising what he has been doing, whilst laying on his window sill watching the world go past. He has also made a rocket from recycling and has used Lego to make a discovery/investigation pod where they are digging moon rock and it has a time machine door to transport them back to Earth if the rocket can’t! Good thinking Tommy! Using a globe, Tommy has been talking about different countries, continents and the seas surrounding them.

In Mathletics this week we hit 12, 950 activity points 
Bronze awards this week go to, Paige, Austin, Elize, Harrison, Chloe, Zilu and Tommy who also achieved Silver. 
 I decided after cooking my cake that I needed to try something a bit easier. So I had ago at some cookies. They didn’t look quite how I expected, a little larger and out of shape (description I could use for myself currently!)  I will keep working on my baking and luckily, they did taste delicious!!
I have attached a letter for the children with some ideas of tasks they could complete this week. Also attached are this weeks class spellings, for the children to learn at home. 
Please remember these are suggested tasks for you to do if you are well and able. 
Take care 
Mrs Allen