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Week 2 Activities

Welcome to week 2 of this term, I hope everyone is well and happy during this very strange time.  The activities are a bit different this week so read through it carefully and email the new gmail address if you need any more information or advice.

Spellings this week are words with the prefix "anti".  The powerpoint and a bingo activity are below. For English please find attached a link to Talk 4 Writing units for all year groups in the school. The units are meant to be worked through across the rest of this term, which is the next 4 weeks. We have sent all units so that if your child is finding it too easy or difficult you can have a look at the previous or next year group's unit.

In Maths, we are going to be moving onto decimals this week.  This is brand new learning for the children as decimals are only really introduced in Year 4.  To begin,  I would strongly recommend you work through the White Rose Home Learning on Decimals this week.  If you follow the link below which should take you into Year 4 please access the Week 1 activities (not the Summer Term Week 1).  There are video lessons and activities to cover 5 days and I feel they break down the new learning well and will hopefully be manageable from home.  I have opened up the Mathletics for decimals also but that covers several weeks of the White Rose learning so please focus on that first.

This term Key Stage 2 would have been learning all about the Olympics which were due to be held in Japan this year.  We would still like to give you the opportunity to develop your Geography and History skills with a project we are setting for the rest of this term.  Over the next four weeks, choose a country anywhere in the world and find out more about it.  Your instruction sheet is below for more information.  You can choose to present this in any way you want, but please let us know what you have been doing so we can share your learning with others.

Also a few parents have emailed to ask about our class novel.  We had started reading The Secret Garden by Francis Hodgson Burnett before school closed.  This is a lovely book and would be worth a read if you can find a copy.  I had hoped we could finish it before the new movie came out!

These tasks are suggested activities to be completed if you/ and your child are well enough and you want to keep yourself busy.  Please get in contact on if you need me and I am looking forward to seeing what you can do!