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Mathletics tasks, awards and a challenge

Last week, which would have been our first week of the Summer term, Year 6 gained 6 bronze and 3 silver awards so well done to:

Tom, Mason, Charlotte, Rhys, Evie and Jack (who are rewarded with a bronze award)

Caroline, Lottie and Kennedy (who receive a Silver award this week)

This week we would have been moving on to some shape work, therefore these are the types of tasks that I have set you.

If you are finding anything tricky or you would like to see some input before you start (a bit like 'I do ... you do' in class) please go to  

Here you will find some fabulous and useful resources, including videos. You will need to go into Summer Term Week 1 to begin with. 

Miss Rice and I wanted to set you a challenge this week. We will award the top 5 participators on Mathletics house points this week. We will award:

1st place = 500HP

2nd place = 400HP

3rd place = 300HP

4th place = 200HP

5th place = 100HP

Year 5 would have beaten us by quite some way last week, let's not let them do it again this week Year 6!

**These tasks are suggested activities to be completed if you/and your child are well enough and you want to keep yourself busy**