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Our Week

Thank you for all you emails and pictures of the super things you have been doing this week.

Jacob has been enjoying completing tasks on Mathletics. He has created a super Lady with the Lamp project.

Evie G has been a superhero with her brother this week, making sure dad has some company whilst working hard in his study. Together they created some friends for him, with stand up pictures and a note to explain why they were there. The words to Evie's lovely Magic Box poem have been attached below.

Elize has been busy with reading, spellings and completing her tasks on Mathletics. She has created a super PowerPoint on Florence Nightingale. Elize has been enjoying lots of family time, visiting her nans bench with flowers and listening to her favourite songs. She has been on walks in the field, had bbqs, water fights and a movie night in her new room with mum. Elize has had a family Zoom quiz and kindly dropped sweets to her cousins.

Ava has had a fantastic week with the birth of her new brother, Teddy.  Both her and Edith are smitten and Ava is being a super help!

Caitlin has been doing some more great creative writing and has written her own ‘The Ladybird Adventures’ story and has drawn her own pictures. She has continued working on her spellings and apostrophes. Caitlin has created a fantastic film all about Florence Nightingale. She found her facts on BBC Bitesize and Twinkl, typed her facts on to a PowerPoint and then without any prompts got into the role of Florence Nightingale to share her facts. With her sister they edited the film to produce a final piece. Hopefully if you click on the link below you will be able to watch.

I was lucky enough to see Zilu’s mum in the chip shop where she works at the weekend and she kindly gave me some delicious fish and chips. I sent Zilu an email to thank her and her mummy and she sent me a super letter back.


This weeks activity points were 22., 810, well done.

Bronze Awards go to Franklin, Paige, Sophia, Evie G, Caitlin, Alfie, Elize, Harrison, Chloe, Molly.

Have a lovely half term in the sun.

Take care.

Mrs Allen