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20/05 Update

Two more weeks have gone by so we haven't seen you for 10 weeks now! I have received some more lovely photos! Here is what some of Year 1 have been up to! 

Albie has completed his own rainbow science experiment! I am very impressed with how it turned out - check out the photos to see the final product. Albie has also created his own colourful latern which is beautifully put together.

Saara has been working very hard with her maths work and she is also enjoying celebrating Ramadan! Saara has created a lovely display for this special time for her family.

Phoebe has created her own 'The Magic Box' poem. Phoebe has used her amazing imagination and creativity to think and write all the wonderful items her box is made from. What a beautiful piece of writing!

Brodie has lost 2 teeth - but one is very lost somewhere in the garden! Brodie also created a lovely birthday card for his friend Harvey whilst also dressed as a magician - Brodie has told us all about his magical abilities! Brodie has also been doing lots and lots of baking for the VE day celebrations (I am very jealous of those delicious treats) and created a decorative banner with his brother Indi to show all the neighbours. What a wonderful day that must have been!