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Sharing Our Week

I hope you have all had a nice week, hopefully you've been able to be busy outdoors when the weather has been nice,

Max D-T has been super busy this week, catching up on lots of maths work as well as earning over 5000 points on Mathletics !

He also baked an Earth cake, with each layer of the earth's core and using his knowledge from the countries project to ice where Hawaii is onto the outside of his cake!

Whilst the weather hasn't been as nice as it had been previously, Max has also managed to get ut and about on bike.

Chayce has been working hard through lockdown, attending lots of Zoom classes every week. This hard work has paid off and he has  now received his next Karate belt. What an achievement!

As well as this Chayce celebrated his 10th Birthday , with presents, a lovely chocolate cake, and even a special dinner of Five Guys. Sounds like a lovely birthday!


Max P has been busy this weeek, working hard in maths, finishing his countries project and even getting stuck into scratch, creating his own projects. I know Max is very good at using the computer programmes so this is nice to see you getting into this at home too! 

I hope you all have a lovely week


Don't forget you can send me anything you would like me share at the end of the week via


Keep safe,

Miss Rice