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Home Learning

Lovely to see you on Zoom again for story time and a bit of dancing.

Here is what some of us have been doing this week.

Caitlin has been completing Mathletics and the White Rose home learning tasks. She has written an alternative tale for Hansel and Gretel, where they visit an upside-down chocolate house! Caitlin has created a house for the Three Little Pigs to live in, with a leaf for 1 pig to hide in and an escalator for the other 2 pigs to get into the roof to hide! She has been keeping calm and fit doing the Fairy Tale Yoga.

Franklin has been very busy in lots of different subjects at home. In English he has been exploring nouns, adjectives and verbs. He has been looking at how a suffix can change a noun into a verb. Using his spellings Franklin has been writing some super sentences also using a thesaurus. Franklin has been reading every evening and is enjoying ‘Slime’ by David Walliams. In Maths, Franklin has been looking at money and word problems. He has been researching facts on Neil Armstrong and Florence Nightingale in History. In Science, Franklin has been looking at the weather and climates and going outside, grouping animals and looking at plants and flowers and has even planted strawberries in his own garden. Franklin has been learning about ‘Natural Superlatives’ very impressive!! He has found time to bake cakes and with Daddy he made a treasure map with instructions and a letter. He continues to keep fit helping mum with Zoom lessons and daily work outs with Joe Wicks.

Jamie has been working on his Once Upon a Time project. He has been baking and eating gingerbread men and he has made a gingerbread man and fox puppet. Jamie packed his case ready to visit Canada and wrote all about seasonal weather. He is continuing to work on White Rose maths tasks and has enjoyed the spelling riddles and wordsearches.

Austin has worked hard on his Fairy Tale Grid and has been doing his Yoga. He has made a list of his favourite books this week they were The Emperor’s New Clothes and Rumpelstiltskin. He has packed his clothes ready to head off to Africa as he wants to see all the animals.

In school this week we have been working on the PE challenges that have been attached to the home learning. For challenge one we have been throwing the ball against the wall and catching it.  Challenge two we used a smaller ball doing a figure of 8 around our legs. We didn’t quite make the 3rd challenge as it was very tricky. Last week as a school we came 5th out of 15 which is fantastic, so we are hoping to get even higher up the leader board this week.


Last week we scored 16.630 activity points.

Bronze awards got to Reuben, Paige, Sophia, Evie, Caitlin, Elize, Chloe and Molly.

Silver Awards go to Reuben, Paige and Chloe.

Looking forward to seeing you on Zoom next week.

Weather is looking better for the weekend, so enjoy!

Take care

Mrs Allen