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26/06 Update

Here's what a few children have been doing! It is really amazing to see such wonderful activities being done at home! Thank you to everyone who has sent photos in!

Albie has created his own weather report that he can change daily - perfect for our current weather that can't make up its mind! Well done Albie.

Jowen has created a beautiful card for a family member and written a lovely message inside. Jowen has also written a fantastic book review and i now i really want to read this book! Jowen has also created a castle from Lego strong enough to keep the Big Bad Wolf out! Well done Jowen.

Harvey has been working very hard completing lots of maths and literacy work! I am so impressed with how much Harvey has done! Harvey has also enjoyed the home learning grid activities. He has written an alternative traditional tale that I really enjoyed reading. Harvey has also created his own puppet to go with the tale which looks fantastic! And finally Harvey has created his own castle, too, to keep out the Big Bad Wolf! Well done Harvey.