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Our Week

Such a lovely week of sunshine and so nice to see so many of you on our zoom assembly on Wednesday.  Thank you so much for the presents, the book is beautiful and something I will treasure forever.  

Happy birthday to Lewis for tomorrow, lots of birthdays in Year 4 this time of the year.  I won't be working when the time comes to say happy birthday to Adriana, Harry, Amelia, Flynn and Effie so I will say it now!  Have a great day.

Ashleigh has continued to work on her butterfly project and also had a delicious-looking tea party with her brother.

Edward completed a project all about a very dangerous minibeast called the Wandering Spider and also some creative writing as the spider.  This is a very interesting creature so have a read to find out all about it.

Flynn has continued with his bug work.  This week he was even allowed to use some power tools to build a bee and ladybird house!  Flynn found a stag beetle and also created a 3D model of an ant.

Hannah has worked really hard at both of the Talk For Writing booklets this term.  She has created a super ad for a hoverboard from her Mission Possible work, which is a good example of persuasive writing.  She has also been planning her writing making sure it will be well-structured.

Lexi has continued to be really interested in dragonflies and has been working on a book including their life cycle.

Jasmine's work has been very bee-focused and she has done lots of different pieces including a fantastic story and some information all about bees.

I have loved seeing how much you have all done on your minibeast challenge.  I will be putting up something different for next week but, if you are still working on your minibeasts, you should continue until you are happy it has been completed.  Remember that Mr Wilson will be taking over the gmail account so you should still email him through your work and questions.  He will be able to award house points for your continued efforts!  

Have a great weekend,


Mrs de Pass