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Our Busy Week

Good afternoon

Hope you are all well. Lovely to see you at story time today.

Caitlin has been looking at the human body and skeleton in Science as well as our five senses. She has created a Hansel puppet and written a super descriptive advert on the Gingerbread House. Caitlin used the Kapow lesson to create her own seaside landscape.

Ava has been learning more about the great outdoors this week. She has been reading books about birds and bees and how they help the environment. She has been planting in the front garden and strawberry picking with her nan, helping to wash them and share them out. Ava has been using he Maths to measure the weight of ingredients to make a paella for dinner. She has been helping Edith with her Maths sharing out the food at their teddy bears picnic. Ava has been researching Mary Seacole and all what she did in the Crimean war. To help prepare them get back to school as a family they have been making bracelets to wear in September, a little reminder that they are all close by. Lovely idea.

Jamie continues to work hard on his Maths and spellings, he enjoyed the tiles challenge this week. Jamie is looking forward to reading his new book ‘The World’s Worst Parents’ I look forward to hearing about that one.

Tommy continues to write his diary and keep working on his spellings. In Maths, he watched the White Rose lessons and then experimented with some old fashioned scales, weighing in items in the house and the garden. He made some yummy gingerbread men and ate them. Tommy has made his sock puppets, being super creative with buttons and pom pom’s for their noses. He made Holly the pig and Sharp the little wolf, for his modern twist story, The big Bad Pig and the Little Wolf.

In school this week, we designed and made our puppets. Using different techniques, sewing, cutting and gluing.  We were super impressed with the results.


Last week we reached 18,010 activity points.

Bronze Awards go to Reuben, Caitlin, Hayley, Elize, Chloe and Molly

Silver Award goes to Molly.

Have a super week.

Take care

Mrs Allen