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Our Week

Firstly, so sorry that we could not say goodbye today and finish the year with our Zoom story time!

Caitlin has made a bug hotel from recycling and has been studying food resources. She has created her own quiz using the spellings and learnt about Mary Seacole. Using the units of measurements she learnt in maths, she has created a potion!!!!

Elize has completed another super PowerPoint all about Butterflies.


Activity points this week. We achieved 21,290

Bronze Awards go to, Caitlin, Alfie, Austin, Tommy, Elize, Frankie, Chloe and Molly.

Silver Awards to Elize and Tommy

Gold Award to Elize.

Well done to you all, keep up the good work.

I can’t quite believe this is the last post of the year. Although our time wasn’t as long as it should have been, you are a super class and we have thoroughly enjoyed your emails, pictures and seeing you on zoom.

Have a super summer and see you all in September.

Take care

Mrs Allen & Miss Goodman