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Year 3 post

Hello to all Year 3 parents,

Children will be set a new list of weekly spellings on Friday (19th)  but we will be testing these the following Thursday (25th) instead of the Friday.

The Year 3 children had earned a treat that was supposed to happen on the last week of term before Christmas, however this didn’t happen due to a bubble closure.
The children have shown great resilience over the past two terms so we would like to reward them with a film on the last day of term before Easter. The children will be watching ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ as we have been reading the book in class and the children will be writing their own fantasy stories.

The film is rated a PG therefore we need to get parents’ permission. If you DO NOT want your child to watch the film please email to let me know.

Thank you

Miss Croxford