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Arrival and Collection Times

Parents are reminded that staff are unable to supervise any children until we open the gate and doors at 8.40a.m.  If pupils need to be dropped at school earlier than this, please make use of our on-site breakfast club.  Road safety of all pupils remains a particular concern and we would ask that everyone is vigilant about safe walking or waiting.

Please may I remind all parents of the following timings for end of the day pick up:




Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 from their playground doors


Siblings in KS2 of R,1,2 pupils


Official end of the school day for KS2

We have reviewed our procedures and, for safeguarding purposes, we are going to adhere to the timings much more closely.  This is to ensure that children go with the adult who should be collecting them, from the right door, at the right time.  Therefore, any pupils in KS2 who do not have a sibling in Reception or Key Stage One will not be handed over to their parents until 3.30p.m.

Please be aware that parents in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 need to be able to park to collect their children, which is impacted by the early arrival of KS2 parents, and sometimes means that parents of younger children arrive late, causing distress to their children. 

Many thanks for your understanding in ensuring that our children’s safety and wellbeing is kept at the forefront of all our minds.

Mary James

Head Teacher