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BSA and Governor expressions of interest

Many thanks to everyone who attended last week's "Afternoon Tea at 3" and anyone who has completed and returned a form to express interest in helping at events or becoming a committee member.

We will be electing a new BSA (Boughton School Association) committee in readiness for the new academic year.  In addition to this, we have spaces for two parent governors on our Board of Trustees.

Letters have gone out, inviting your interest and nominations.  

There will be a meeting at school on Tuesday 17th May 2022, at 6p.m. in the school hall, for anyone interested in becoming a governor or joining the BSA committee.  Brief presentations from Mrs James and Mr Palmer will outline the various roles and what is involved, whilst you enjoy light refreshments!

Please email to confirm your attendance at the meeting, or with any questions you may have.

I look forward to welcoming you to the meeting, and to working with you in continued partnership.

Mary James

Head Teacher