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BSA update - new committee and meeting next week

Following our EGM on Monday night, I'm delighted to announce that we have a new BSA committee.

My thanks and congratulations to them all!  The new committee is listed below, with the year groups their children are in, in brackets.  The roles are being shared, to ease the pressure on individuals.  Going forward, I hope this is a way of helping us sustain our BSA in the long-term.


Emily Jelley (5) and Sarah Watson (R)

Co vice-chairs

Aurelie Herve (1) and Zoe Whiting (1)


Nicola Cassidy (2) - minute taker, and Lisa Deighan (3) - publicity


Deryck Watson (grandparent, R)

MEETING - TUESDAY 12TH JULY @ 18:30, at The Whitehills pub

Our intention now is to plan for the year ahead.  We will map out the full year's events and share these via the school calendar on the website.  Anyone interested in helping us to forward plan is welcome to join us at The Whitehills on Tuesday.  Hope to see you there!

I'm excited and thankful to have a committee in place, to help us drive forward with our fundraising and enrichment activities, for the benefit of all the children at Boughton Primary School.

Mary James

Head Teacher