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FAO current Y4/Y5 parents: PGL form

Further to my letter last week, it looks likely that we will have a majority "yes" vote to go ahead with the PGL residential in 2024.

If you haven't yet completed the form, please follow this link:

PGL form

You can find out more about the PGL centre at Osmington Bay here.

Meeting for Y4 & Y5 parents and children

We would like to invite children and parents from Y4 and Y5 to a brief, after-school meeting on:

Wednesday 29th March at 3.45p.m. in the school hall.

The purpose of the meeting will be to give more information about the residential and to discuss payment options.  We can answer any questions you might have at this stage.

The meeting should last no longer than 30 minutes.  

We can accommodate younger siblings in a creche, and will invite Y6 siblings to join the meeting, to answer questions from the children.

If parents are unable to attend, please email, and we will send out information shared after the meeting.

Mary James

Head Teacher