We have set a new weekly homework on TTRS which will help the children to develop the automatic recall of the Multiplication Tables and their corresponding division facts. The homework is to complete 5 of the Garage games each week. The children are tested every Friday, so by completing their home learning each week their skills should greatly improve. We also recommend the use of Hit the Button which is a free online game. We will be monitoring both the Mathletics and the TTRS homework, and your child will be asked to attend Homework Club on a Wednesday lunchtime if their work is not completed on time.
Just to remind you, the children have until the end of term to complete their Mathletics homework. They have been set units on Fractions & Multiplication & Division for the Spring Term and again these need to be completed on time. Again, we will be monitoring the completion of their homework and we ask that you support your child as they work through these units. Well done to those children who are up to date with their Mathletics homework but we are concerned that a number of children are falling behind with their work.
Please do let us know if you have any questions and we thank you for your continued support with your child's home learning.
Mrs Darlington and Mrs Hamilton