It's the most wonderful time of the year...nearly...

Places are now available for the children to join our Brilliant Boughton Christmas Choir!

Our choir is open to ALL age groups and there is NO limit on numbers.  

Every child from Reception to Year 3 will bring home a letter today.  Children in Year 4, 5 and 6 will only bring home a letter if they are interested in joining the choir.

We usually have several Christmas "gigs" in the village and surrounding area, watch this space for further information.


Choir will take place on TUESDAYS after school, until 4.30p.m:

Tuesday 31st October - this will be a taster session for anyone interested, including those who are not sure if they want to join.

Tuesdays 14th, 21st and 28th November (NB no choir on Tuesday 7th November - parents evening)

Tuesday 5th December will be our final session.

Here's to a tuneful festive season!

Mary James

Head Teacher